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SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
Hello all.

First off I want to say I'm thrilled to see GPL still going strong 8+ years after its release. To anyone who has had a hand in making the utterly fantastic new tracks I've downloaded and installed recently; you guys are awesome! clapping.gifI'm also VERY excited about the physics/carshape editing discoveries I've read about. I really look forward to seeing other eras of GP racing and also the great classic sports cars come alive with the outstanding GPL physics as a base.

Now on to the (possibly dumb) questions. My GPL computer is a dinosaur by todays standards: P2 350mhz/Voodoo3/128MB RAM (but it works...thats all I care about right now). I was wondering if I could get away with using any of the Hi-res cars on this thing or if the fps would just bury itself with only a couple cars in view. I've tried some hi-res tracks and obviously that doesnt work at all (but look so good!!).

Fortunately this wont be a problem for too much longer as I'm almost finished building a new AMD 3ghz machine. On that note, what graphics card would be the best choice? I've been away from computer gaming for so long I've pretty much lost any sense of what company has "got the goods". The MoBo I'm using unfortunately only has PCI slots but running two cars bridged is no problem at all. My main concern is really getting GPL to run at its best as I havent played any newer sims that can match its realism or fun factor for me. Possibly NR4/2003 and maybe one of the newer sports car games (GTR2 or rF) would find its way onto the machine but they wouldn't be my first choice when I sit down for a race. Any suggestions for "video hp" would be greatly appreciated.

I also have a couple editing related questions but I've already found the editing forum for help on that matter. thumbsup.gif

Happy GPLing to all,
Bob Simpson
Either ATI or nVidia's top PCI-e cards will work well with GPL. You certainly don't need double graphics cards. In GPL, the CPU is probably a bit more important, so get the fastest possible.

For the modern games get lots of RAM - about 2 GB should do.
nVidias 8800 GTX works well bye1.gif
I'm using nVidia 7900 GS which is 256 meg, dual core processor 2 (2.8),
1 gig ram. ZERO DEFECTS !!
I'm running Nvidia 7950 GX2 .
I've a nvidia Go 7600 (notebook) and is full framerate always blink.gif
X800xt and its fine.
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