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SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
Hi all,

Does everyone know about this and has the seller got the relevent permissions??? Seller seems to specialise in laserjet printsouts of so called posters and artwork!!! confused1.gif

Hmm seems like he is selling the posters from our BAPOM shocking.gif
Thats not good. Whos in charge of bapom again?
2 things I've noticed too (never seen that GPL track before) but if that's supposed to be a Fantasy Northumberland track named after the town and castle on the coast it's actually spelt "Bamburgh with a "m" not a "n". This place actually -

Plus the Ebay seller seems to be selling it as if it was an actual race "replica poster of the 1965 UK Grand Prix!"
Which it isn't which means he probably has no idea what they really are, or trying to dupe buyers.

I don't think there's any copyright infringement in copying a 3rd party GPL brochure cover, enlarging it and printing it out in poster form and selling it, although permission would have been the right thing to have gained first, maybe he did? After all he's selling them for £5.99, if he's using high quality poster sized paper and high quality print doesn't make it too bad a price.
QUOTE (FourWheelDrift @ Nov 1 2006, 01:25 PM) *
I don't think there's any copyright infringement in copying a 3rd party GPL brochure cover, enlarging it and printing it out in poster form and selling it,

There is but at £5.99 I don't think he's making too much. Seems rather reasonable prices until you go up in sizes. Have a look HERE. The annoying thing is that he gives no aknowledgement to John Bradley (BAPOM).

BTW, you're not keeping up with the GPL tracks. You could have found it at the Alternative GPL Track Database. wink.gif
Strava found later that he had made the mistake but had already released it. (IIRC he used to visit some relative there)

I had a quick look through his feedback and lots of people unhappy with the quality and the fact that he is claiming these are real posters and not just laserprints mad.gif
QUOTE (bob69 @ Nov 2 2006, 09:25 AM) *
I had a quick look through his feedback and lots of people unhappy with the quality and the fact that he is claiming these are real posters and not just laserprints mad.gif

So along wit saying they are posters of real events they aren't made very well either. I guess his enlargements have badly pixelated edges.

Anyone up for asking some difficult questions (that we already know the answers to) on his Ebay pages?
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