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Full Version: Anybody making the Nürbrugring Südschleife for GPL
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
I remember seeing a thread in RSC quite some time ago about somebody making the Nürburgring Südschleife. I'm a fan of this track, and would like to see it made for GPL. I haven't seen a lot of movement on that thread, which is long buried now, and I think the project has been abandoned. sad.gifIf anyone is still making the track, please let me know so I can have this thread closed.

I plan to make it and already have an accurate map, the altimetric profile and some images of Google Earth.

I'll need all the help I can to make this track a reality in GPL, so if you have pictures, data, whatever, post the info here so I can gather it. Also, I remember seeing once an onboard video of the Südschleife with the names of the sections in the bottom of the video. The hard disk I used to have that video in crashed, and if anyone has it or can give me the link to it, I'll be very, very grateful.

I'm starting on my own. I've never had a team of developers behind me, just Kanzo who helps me with the AI for my tracks, and Robert Zeugin, who helped me with the textures for Zeltweg 64. If anyone would like to join, you're welcome


Raúl Valenzuela.
Phil Neville just answered me at RSC, and the project is far from abandoned. I'll request Keith to close the thread.
I believe Smoggy might be making it.........

BTW, if you want a private forum at GPL Repository just holler.

Eric Bourgouin
seems everyone wants to build the Sud..

"Hey!..Smoggy!!...Where are ya!!"..Must be all that humidity in Seattle.. laugh.gif
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