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Full Version: Apodaca - Autódromo de Monterrey
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > Grand Prix Legends Files > Track Database
Hi guys. This is my latest release. It is the old Monterrey raceway at Apodaca. It is NOT the Fundidora Park (although I have plans to make it too). This track used to have three layouts, including a 1-mile oval, layout with chicanes and without chicanes. This one is the layout with chicanes. In a few weeks I'll release the original layout, no chicanes, which is faster and more dangerous than this one.

Credits on the readme file.

Get it at my site,, or get it here:

and hope you enjoy it.

A good lap is between 1:29 and 1:32 seconds, and here are some screenies.
More screenies.

Thanks and enjoy the track.
Gracias Raul thumbsup.gif

If it's as good as your other ones, we're in for a treat!

You can get a gempic from the Alternative Track Database wink.gif

Fast Tommi

Thanks Raul thumbsup.gif

tommi bye1.gif
Rudy Dingemans
Gracias Raul! Another one for the (record) books! thumbsup.gif

Regards, Rudy
(GPLRank: -27)
Thanks for your comments, guys. They really fire me up! biggrin.gif

Thanks Raul clapping.gif

cool track smile.gif
thanks raul
Guys, Ginetto spotted a very big error in the track. It has a stand in the middle of the road. The track is now corrected and uploaded again at my site. A very, very big apology for this.
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