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Westwood Motorsport Park 1990

*** THIS IS A BETA RELEASE version 0.80***

The track directory is "westwd90" so it will not affect you if you have Strava's Westwood track.

Westwood Historic 1990 was created by "Mytrack", (Glen Leugner).

It represents the Westwood Motorsport Park (Coquitlam, B.C., Canada) as it was in 1989 - 1990 with a distinct feature being the new pit entry lane that I beleive was added in 1988. The track was built in 1959 and is 8.0m wide and 1.80 miles in length. I think it is best suited to the 1965 cars although the race.lp for this release was created using the new '69 Mod cars part 2 (low wing). I did a 1m12.332 in a McLaren (LW) with BasicMonaco setup for the race.lp. Anyone that wants to make a better race.lp for each '65, '67, and '69 cars is welcome to email them to me. I would like to see the groove stay on the left of the back straight to allow the AI to pass though since the track is narrow. I also stayed high on carousel to allow the AI cars to duck inside for passing and it seems to work well.

Carousel corner is banked up to 15 degrees at the apex while clubhouse has a 2 degree camber. There are no other cambered corners on the real track I could decern from photos.

Good passing is designed for the inside corners of carousel and clubhouse and the right hand side of the straight and inside of marshall's hairpin. The racing is close as this is a narrow circuit but I think I have the AI behaviour set well enough to stay on the track. Thanks to "Strava" for his AIGen utility. The AI some time run wide at the hairpin but this is where braking is all important. Please note the run off gravel areas around the track are all assigned as "dirt surfaces" in the GTK as I found I could hardly get a '65 car out of a "gravel surface" when testing. I don't know what people prefer in this regard so it could be changed.

Thanks to "Crusader" for providing a 1985 video lap of the Westwood Circuit and for the elevation maps (circa 1961) of half of the track.

Also thanks to "Strava" for the use of his "westwood tower 3do" which was used as the starting point for mine, and thanks to "Scotty" for his horizons which I reworked for my needs.

Thanks to the authors of the many track creating tools.

Glen Leugner


Here are some screenshots of Westwood Motorsport Park 1990. The main advertising around the track was for Player's Ltd. GM Motorsport Series (Canada).

Click to view attachment Click to view attachment Click to view attachment
thank you, very nice track
Thanks very much thumbsup.gif

Cool to have a new track for the weekend smile.gif

Thanks, MyTrack.

Looking forward to driving it. smile.gif

King Arthur
Thankyou very much, a special treat for me having raced there clapping.gifkewlpics.gif

Very nice track, Love it thumbsup.gif

Beta you say??
Very good yinyang yinyang.gifAnd looking very good! A challange clapping.gif

I did a 1m12.332 in a McLaren (LW)
I only drove 10 laps now with the 67 Eagle, and manage a 1:09.72 ??

Thanks again!

Thanks Mytrack, looking forward to this evening.
I'm almost finished the final version of Westwood Motorsport Park 1990 ver 1.00. As of now I had revised / added the following elements since the Beta ver 0.80:

1) adjusted some of the track walls to match trace positions that were very close to the original wall positions thus reducing 100's of polygons.
2) removed access road that was near the edge of track at the esses which saved many polygons and would never be seen unless you went exploring.
3) optimized the forward - backward views (.fb file has optimized draw distances every 25m).
4) added 2 large infield 3do's one at carousel and the other at the hairpin.
5) added new 3do's:
- 3 types of speaker poles with loudspeakers
- 2 types of wooden utility poles
- utility shed next to westwood score tower
- chain fencing to close off hairpin area
- flagbox near hairpin
- 55 gal drums for garbage (yellow and rusted) near grandstands and concession stand
6) new racing groove
7) *** working on adding sound to track using Luna's tutorial *** ( I want to have sound from every speaker pole position on the track which will be for about 1/3 of the track and at approx 18m intervals.)

Cool thumbsup.gif

Looking forward to it. Sounds like you've made good progress in the short time.
Thanks for the info.

Hello again everyone, good news:

I'm within days of releasing my final version of Westwood Motorsport Park 1990.

Additions since last post:
1) Changed the dried scrub grass surface next to asphalt track to "grass" in the .gtk as per user feedback. Banking surface is now the green grass representing shrubs.
2) Added a few more advertising billboards in pitlane and around the track.
3) Added race marshals / fire extinguisher srb's around the track.
4) Added a little more detail to starter's box 3do mips.
5) New race AI that works even better since I now understand Strava's AIGen utility even better than before.
6) Faster speed into pit entry and pitlane (now about 22mph instead of 12mph for pitlane).
7) New camera file with better views and transitions.
8) Added HSV shading to track using trk23doz (mainly for shadows cast by tree walls and high banked areas consistent with my chosen direction of sunlight). The HSV file stuff is really cool, I wasn't expecting it to blend so well but I quickly learned how it shades the long and lat away from a trace line.

I'm not going to atempt sound since I tend to tinker with the track 3do all the time and the sound is so quiet and limited in scope anyway.

I would also like to compile a short list of track editing "nuggets of info" that new track builders can use without having to dig through the track editing forum so much. I've spent so much time just figuring out some of the finer details that aren't explained so well in readme files that I think this could benefit others. I can tell you that this track has taken 15 months to complete which includes 4 months of lost work due to a hard drive crash.

QUOTE (Mytrack @ Sep 29 2006, 08:23 AM) *
Hello again everyone, good news:

I'm within days of releasing my final version of Westwood Motorsport Park 1990.

Cool!! 59.gifclapping.gif

QUOTE (Mytrack @ Sep 29 2006, 08:23 AM) *
includes 4 months of lost work due to a hard drive crash.

Well, at least you managed to get things sorted and thanks for the news!!


EDIT: Final release now available in the Track Database

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