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SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
I swapped some files around in GPL, deleted my GLP Secrets folder, and then reinstalled the latest GEM+. This fixed the problem of not being able to select wing angles on one of the mods.

Through GEM+ I can go to GPL, no problem. I can get into Vroc, no problem. But,iGOR has big time problems sad.gif

When I first open iGOR I get the message box "Could not open gplmods.ini".

Then I get the message box "Last GPL player chosen cannot be found as a players/player folder."

And finaly, when I get into iGOR, the 65, 67, and 69 hosts all have grey question marks to the far left of the screen. I cannot join any races bandana2.gif

I'm all ears for any suggestions on how to fix this....

Manfred Cubenoggin
Hi, Dean.

Been there and done that...many, many times, mate.

I've a relatively new computer and had to install absolutely everything from fresh and when it came time for GPL and GEM, I was getting the same output. At one point, my GPL folder held up to 21 seperate exe's related to GPL with the wildest coding imaginable. I think that the solution to your trouble may...I emphasize 'may' in:

- make sure that there is an 'exports' folder in your root GPL directory;
- make sure to create a new player in GPL to accept the new input from GEM;
- pray a lot.

I went through numerous re-installs of GPL with massaging every which way until finally, it all fell into place. Now everything runs smooth. Don't give up the ship. One thing I did observe...finally...was to install everything in sequence and check with GPLInspector as I went along. I installed the 65's first...the 69's last. Did it do the trick. Search me but it's working.
Got it working, I found out that after reinstalling iGOR, I never told iGOR where my GPL.exe file was.... oops.gif

Thanks for the suggestions Manfred thumbsup.gif
Manfred Cubenoggin
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