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Full Version: Issues regarding my tracks and my site
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"

I really hate to break the news, but my site has been hacked, and it's been offline for a week. I will let you guys know when it's rebuilt; it might take some time. I talked to my ISP and they said that the information is secure (tracks, entry pages, etc..) but the PHP code is destroyed, so I'm gonna have to rebuild the database. Might take a long time. Sorry, guys...

I'm also asking Keith for help so the tracks can be available here at the MZ.


Raúl Valenzuela

Edit: I want to thank Keith publicly for making my tracks available through the Mirror Zone. The links on the Alternative Database are corrected and now point to the MZ. Thanks a lot, Keith! biggrin.gifthumbsup.gif
NP Raul. Just glad that we could help.

You can find all of Raul's track through HERE.

Manfred Cubenoggin

My regrets, Raul.

Fast Tommi
QUOTE (Manfred Cubenoggin @ Apr 21 2006, 01:35 AM)

My regrets, Raul.


I agree with Manfred. bandana2.gif
Hope You get things sorted, raul.

tommi bye1.gif
Sorry to hear that Raul sad.gif
Glad to see that the Mighty Danger Mouse did put a patch smile.gif

All the best,
Good news, gentlemen. 59.gif

After a week of work, my site is back to business. It looks solid enough and it is now open for everybody.

I want to thank Keith for the enormous support he gave me by redirecting the links to the MZ and now back to Racetrax. Thanks a million, Keith. clapping.gif

Edit: Checking the site after a looong day of work, there are no screenshots whatsoever. My gallery is still down, so I'll try to put some screenies in the downloads page. All other content, namely the tracks, are safe enough.
Fast Tommi
Good news raul bye1.gif

tommi bye1.gif
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