We never made and official launching thread, as we were discovered before we wanted to launch the site. So this might as well be that thread. There have also been some changes to the site (and some more coming) and to tell people who haven't heard about the alternative database where it is: https://gpltd.bcsims.com/
If you have done any searches at the database in the past 2 weeks you will have found that you can now refine your search far more. If you use the "Search Trackname" you will find that it is a broad search and will find all tracks with that name, so if you typed in kyalami it would give you THIS result but if you use "Search Track Dir" and typed in the same it will give you THIS result as it will use the track folder name to do the search. It is an exact search so you must use the exact track folder name if you want to find the track. Another thing to point out is that any searches done will come up in the URL so you can always copy and paste the URL if you want to point somebody to a specific on the database. The limit on the amount of track results is set to 50 but this can be changed from 10 up to All should you want. The total amount of tracks listed in the database is on the left hand side text.
Should you venture to click on the track cover, you will find that it now gives you a bigger picture of the track cover and give you the variation of original and/or BAPOM cover should they exist. If you should click on the track map you will get the BAPOM printable track map should it exist.
As you can see, John Bradley (BAPOM) has helped to collate most of those pictures relating to the track covers and maps. We have also been co-operating with Paul Thurston (GEM+) and you will soon be able to get your GEM+ track pictures from the database as well as an up to date sgem.ini to bring your GEM+ up to date. In the next GEM+ release these features will be integrated into GEM+ as well. GPLRank has been in contact with us and will very soon be able to update their site as we build some functionality in for them.
Should you find any errors on the site, we would greatly appreciate you bringing it to our attention.