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SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "Help! I'm having trouble with..."
Well, I'm stumped blink.gif

I have downloded Monaco Rocks and Luguna Seca... Trasnfered them into my GPL track folder, but I can't find them in GEM+ or GPL.

What, all mighty ones of the GPL forum, have I done wrong confused1.gif
QUOTE (DEANJET @ Jan 15 2006, 11:16 PM)
I have downloded Monaco Rocks and Luguna Seca... Trasnfered them into my GPL track folder, but I can't find them in GEM+ or GPL.

confused1.gifWhat do you mean by transfered them to your GPL tracks folder?

Monaco rocks need to be unzipped and the contents moved into your gpl\tracks\monaco folder (this is an addon upgrade for the Monaco that came with your original CD) and for the first 2 of THESE Lagunas you need to run the track installer (TrackInstall.exe) you should have found in the unzipped folder and the 3rd needs other sims and another program.

Thanks Dangermouse, all is well with my little slice of GPL heaven! bandana1.gif
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