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Full Version: Best place to download the 2004 gpl demo please
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > GPL Request Area
I have tried blackhole motorsports but their sites do not support dowload accelerator. I need to have a resume as I am on 56k modem.Thanks
Dunno, maybe you may want to try HERE. wink.gif

smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifthankyou very much dangermouse
QUOTE (Pawgy @ Jan 9 2006, 11:39 PM)
I have tried blackhole motorsports but their sites do not support dowload accelerator. I need to have a resume as I am on 56k modem.Thanks

I use a 56k modem and Download Accelerator Plus. If you click on the download link and it comes up with the standard download just copy the filename then cancel. Go back to the link and I right-click on the link and download with DAP. In DAP I just paste the filename in, this always works for me. wink.gif
I downloaded the GPL 2004 Demo and installed it. I ran it, setup the usual keyboard and player. Tried to run Watkins Glen and it just crashes out back to Windows. I did a restart and tried it again and it crashed out again.

Does anyone else have problems running this demo? sad.gif

Looking at the files in this demo they are virtually the same as the normal GPL therefore my GPL Tweaker should work on there as well. Obviously with a few modifications. But I can't get it running to try out. wink.gif
Does anyone know where I can buy Grand Prix Legends 2004. I've done a web search but all it comes back with is the demo version. I've searched eBay as well. 2004, its got to made more than a year ago. Was a full version ever made? wink.gif

I know I can't get the demo to work, I was told on rscnet to add an Export folder because none is made in the demo version. But it still crashes back to Windows. sad.gif
Here is a link to buy gpl
as far as the demo not working I will download it and see what gives
QUOTE (Keithuk @ Jan 23 2006, 02:57 AM)
I know I can't get the demo to work, I was told on rscnet to add an Export folder because none is made in the demo version. But it still crashes back to Windows.  sad.gif

Check the CTD tips in Bob Simpson´s FAQ - especially number three ("allow indexing service").
QUOTE (Keithuk @ Jan 22 2006, 11:57 PM)
Does anyone know where I can buy Grand Prix Legends 2004. I've done a web search but all it comes back with is the demo version. I've searched eBay as well. 2004, its got to made more than a year ago. Was a full version ever made?  wink.gif
No such thing Keith. The demo was called 2004 because that was when it was compiled but is still the same GPL with graphical addons as of 2004 rather than 1998. Of course since then there have been updates on those addons included there so how much use it is for someone with a full upgraded GPL is debatable.

No reason it shouldn't work if you have the full GPL working. I can only follow Kanzo's reasoning and suggest the same.

Thanks Bill but thats a link to the original GPL which I have. smile.gif

As suggested on rscnet I copied gpl demo.exe to the gpl folder. Ran gpl but it still wouldn't work in any mode, Single Race or Championship.

I've downloaded it again just incase it was corrupt but thats made no difference, it still crashes back to Windows.

Thanks Keith for telling me a full version wasn't made. thumbsup.gif
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