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Full Version: Tracks and Cars???
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
Hi all,

Surfin' the other day as you do i came across this track listed on the Swiss GPL site called Jops Siffert but couldn't find a link for a dowload just laptimes , anyone know anything about this track and where i can dowload it???
Also a while back i found a couple of track layout pic's (attached) and can't remeber where from or anything about them but they look good so might as well share them and someone may know something about them.
One other thing i've always wondered why is the Matra and the two McLaren's (M2B & M5A) arn't in the Sim or available as an addon???

Cheers in advance...
Circuit Jops Siffert was probably a track just done for the amusement of the F1Legends leauge people.

In any case, I doubt it will ever be released, see here:
And regarding the two tracks, I know of at least one other place I've seen them...
Sad news about Jops sad.gif, but a track named after him could be a good way for people who raced with him to remember him?
Just a thought, condolences to his family.
Hello there cap.gif
I'm a member of F1Legends and I'm in the team who create this new track : Jops Siffert. It's a fantasy track, in the Swiss country. It will be available for everyone, but not immediately...Hum, the work is sleeping at this moment, the modeller is in Russia ! (not a joke rolleyes.gif)
We have also a 1965 version, with a chicane on the front straight. I made the setups for this mod.
The track is really great to drive with an important difference of level, some blind turns, some bumps. bye1.gif
Challenging !
Looks good from the track map thumbsup.giflooking forward to trying it bye1.gif
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