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Full Version: Utility to measure sector/segment?
SimRacing MZ > Grand Prix Legends > "I just want to talk about all things GPL"
Hi all,
I would like to ask two related questions. Firstly suppose I have a track, let's call it "Harewood Hill Climb." Can I measure my time over a specified sector? That is from a point "x" to " "y"? If not just one sector, can I divide the lap into sectors of my own specifications/choosing and view them? OK--let me fess up--what I'm trying to do is get my time for the " real" Harewood Hill Climb part of the "circuit." I suspect the GPLRA may be of use here. Any ideas? PS: Interesting video at the HHC site of "Kevin in a Lotus" doing the climb.
Tosh bye1.gif
I guess your guess is right, GPLRA should work there, but you have to do it by hand.
Load your lap in it, then find the point to start your sector with the playing controls, write doen the time, go to the end of the sector, then you can calculate the Thing.
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