Hi there.
As you can see this is my first post over here. This is the first time I've had reason to follow a link here as it's the first time I've known that gplea stuff is being talked about.
Let me put one thing straight from the off: I don't mind updates to projects I've worked on (IF they're done in a positive manner).
What I don't like is the way in which some people seem to go about doing things. I thought it was all quite simple: ask permission
before you start work so as not to be either 1) disappointed when permission is denied (or you can't find anyone to get permission from); or 2) disappoint people who have seen your screenshots or your work when you eventually don't put it up for download (ignoring the obvious workaround of just emailing files to interested parties).
Note that there's pretty much nothing that can be done legally to stop updates being done - I have no interest in legal matters at all other than they serve to be depressing.
As for all these "I've sent a message to the GPLEA asking for permission posts I see" - um... where? I don't count a thread as permission seeking as it's like blackmail.
Looking through my inbox at rsc, I've got a couple of pm's from Damon, and er.. nothing else. The other GPLEA (track) guys have mostly left GPL for real life- Martijn is around now and again, and I'm around because of my involvement with RSC, but the others have gooone.
So.. can we have a bit more asking before working please; and if people really are into the whole updating scene with muchos enthusiasm, maybe they could find some tracks in the making, or abandoned track projects, and work on those instead? Just an idea.
Hope that all comes across as I intended-- I'm not out for blood, just common decency and manners and respect for author's wishes!
b ) is a smilie? lol.