Nr2003 Mods
Started by Arturo Pereira , May 09 2010 - 07:01 PM
31 replies to this topic
Posted May 12 2010 - 07:28 PM
The circus is in town! Thanks, fortine, saved me installing it (I scarcely find time for the mods already installed). Apparently the hp was set too low to leave any "fun factor" in this mod.
Posted May 12 2010 - 08:29 PM
Arturo Pereira, on May 11 2010 - 06:27 AM, said:
Bernd Nowak, on May 11 2010 - 01:06 AM, said:
Dave Kaemmer did indeed reused the N2k3 code. iRacing, his new simulation, is based on the N2k3 code but of course has been heavily modified until today. This in response to "(he claimed he was working on a new sim, but nothing ever materialized)" which IMO is wrong as he's still involved in iRacing. It's a matter of personal preferences whether you like it or not.
Bernd is right. I worked as betatester for FIRST for a long time and the first incarnation of their carsim was basically NR2003 with improvements on the physics for the PTAs and CTSs mods, which were developed by the Project Wildfire group. John Henry was one the members of the PWF team (notice his Red Sox Corvette included with the mod).
That modified NR2003 derived later in what was released later as iRacing carsim.
In any case, iRacing has legal rights on the NR2003 code and so any non official patch to NR2003 can not be published here. I guess we all want to keep NR2003 alive, but not at the price of putting in risk the SRMZ. And of course, no links to illegal NR2003 mods should be published here, period.
Hopefully I didn't sound argumentative. I remember reading about FIRST but never actually seeing anything, and by the time iracing was an entity I had moved on; my only knowledge of that is seeing the forum on nogrip (and when I learned it was an online only sim, I had no interest).
I was argumentative with Sierra reps on Compuserve years ago when they banned add-on tracks for ICR2, on the basis they contained proprietary Sierra code. My point then being they let us post carsets, replays, setups, modified sound.dat, even modified cockpits, all of which contained proprietary code ...so why not tracks? The compromise being complete tracks could not be posted, but you could distribute a program which would modify the existing track to your track. Apparently they eventually relented on that since it wasn't long before there were extensive lists of complete add-on tracks for N2, N3, GPL, and N2k3. And, "bravo for life's little ironies", there are dozens of add-on tracks for ICR2, which still has a sizeable fan base.
My basic complaint with the state of N2k3 being that we are limited to four allowable physics models, so all the legal "mods" are just variations on a theme. If you have six "mods" that all use CTS physics, you essentially have six carsets for one sim; they drive the same and use the same setups, just look different. I look at GTR2 or GTL with their dozens of mods, ranging from karts to fictitious 1000hp roadburners, and think "N2k3 could have been like this".
Again, just my opinion (and we know what those are like).
Posted May 13 2010 - 01:09 AM
That is ok jgf 
I do not agree with iRacing´s policy about NR2003, but I think they have their rights on it since they pay for its code, so we could talk about the topic for months and we do not have a solution.
The point about iRacing being an online only carsim left on the outside at many guys that only race offline with the AI. This is not my case though.¨
Personally, I do not like a system that forces me to drive some ugly cars to get a licence that would let me drive more powerful cars. This is the way their system is, so I guess it is a "take it or leave it" and I did not buy it.
However, I think they have the best team to create proper carsims, and it seems they also have the money to do it, John Henry posted at their forums once that GPL2 was in their plans, so I will wait for it. If they release a full NASCAR series, I guess it will be the best NASCAR carsim available. My point is that it is way too expensive, but it will attract a lot of people for sure.

I do not agree with iRacing´s policy about NR2003, but I think they have their rights on it since they pay for its code, so we could talk about the topic for months and we do not have a solution.
The point about iRacing being an online only carsim left on the outside at many guys that only race offline with the AI. This is not my case though.¨
Personally, I do not like a system that forces me to drive some ugly cars to get a licence that would let me drive more powerful cars. This is the way their system is, so I guess it is a "take it or leave it" and I did not buy it.
However, I think they have the best team to create proper carsims, and it seems they also have the money to do it, John Henry posted at their forums once that GPL2 was in their plans, so I will wait for it. If they release a full NASCAR series, I guess it will be the best NASCAR carsim available. My point is that it is way too expensive, but it will attract a lot of people for sure.
Posted May 13 2010 - 04:24 AM
I doubt there will be a true GPL2. If they stick to the spirit of the original and make it realistic, the steep learning curve will keep sales below expectations (just like the original); if they "dumb it down" to get a larger market, true sim racers will avoid it like the plague and it will be just another forgotten arcade racer. Perhaps if they considered it a "prestige title" and aimed it at the niche market of hard core sim racers ...but is that likely?
It's testament to quality of the original coding of GPL that 12 years and four versions of windows later it still runs quite well (with a few patches). I have games that ran fine in XP and won't even start in Vista.
It's testament to quality of the original coding of GPL that 12 years and four versions of windows later it still runs quite well (with a few patches). I have games that ran fine in XP and won't even start in Vista.
Posted May 16 2010 - 05:36 AM
Is the sprint car mod any good? I think there are a few dirt ovals available from memory. If it is, any chance of a link to the mod?
Posted May 16 2010 - 11:30 AM
The cars resemble the "Outlaws" cars, open wheel with the huge, asymmetric wing right above the driver.
DEI has it (you need to register, but they have many of the mods) https://dei-racing.co...=titleA&show=15
There's also a "Dirt" mod available here (though I know nothing about it) https://bigdonlinemot.../Downloads.html
DEI has it (you need to register, but they have many of the mods) https://dei-racing.co...=titleA&show=15
There's also a "Dirt" mod available here (though I know nothing about it) https://bigdonlinemot.../Downloads.html
Posted May 17 2010 - 06:11 AM
Thanks again jgf 

Posted May 17 2010 - 01:33 PM
Let us know how it works. (So many mods, so little time.)
Posted May 19 2010 - 01:41 PM
I have downloaded it so I might install it this weekend, like you say, so little time. I have installed mods for various games in the past and thought "this is fantastic" only to finally get around to having a second play on it about a year later 

Posted May 19 2010 - 06:36 PM
Burnsy865, on May 19 2010 - 01:41 PM, said:
... I have installed mods for various games in the past and thought "this is fantastic" only to finally get around to having a second play on it about a year later 

I have yet to run a race with the GPL '69 mod, or the '66 mod; have actually raced on maybe 20% of the GPL tracks I've installed. Not to mention GTL, GTR2/P&G, or N2k3. Let's see, if I were to run one race with each car, in each class, on each track, in each sim...
Posted Jun 03 2020 - 08:14 PM
Was wondering if i could get some help here involving gear ratios for carsets on pta physics.
Posted Jun 04 2020 - 11:05 AM
As with most sims, set the top gear so on low fuel you will not quite redline on the longest straight; space the others fairly evenly (on some tracks I may have one or two gears slightly differently spaced just so i don't have to shift at an awkward spot on the track). On some shorter tracks it is easier to set up with only five gears, using 5th as top gear, and ignore 6th.
There is one bug in the PTA physics - for best grip keep the suspension at its softest settings; use the bars and wings for balance. When you stiffen the suspension you lose grip rapidly.
There is one bug in the PTA physics - for best grip keep the suspension at its softest settings; use the bars and wings for balance. When you stiffen the suspension you lose grip rapidly.
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