Arturo Pereira, on May 11 2009 - 07:19 AM, said:
Hezemans, on May 9 2009, 10:57 PM, said:
Could you guy's give me some explanation on all those classes out there? Like: Cup, Cot, NNC, BNS ............etc.
For a rookie from Europa this all is very "blury" to know what is what! If some one can/will give me some explanation on all these classes, would make things more clear! Thanks very much

When it was released, NR2003 came with 1 class: Cup, representing the 2003 Winston Cup cars, the major NASCAR level. Then came the GNS (Grand National Series, aka Busch Series) and the CTS (Craftman Truck Series). There is also the PTA (Project Wildfire TransAm).
These series represent the only 4 original physics from NR2003.
The rest are mods that use any of these available 4 physis. For instance: the COT (Car of Tomorrow mod) uses the Cup series physics with nowadays graphics, the NCTS09 uses the CTS seres physics with nowadays graphics and the NNC or the Nationwide mods uses the GNS seres physics with updated graphics.
An exception is the GTP mod, that uses a patched version of the PTA series physics and this is the only mod available that uses a different physics and could be considered as a separate carsim by its own right.
Another exception was the Ferrari 330 and the AD67 mods. They used a modified nr2003.exe file to represent the 1967 Ferrari 330, the Porsche 910, the Lola T70 and the Ford GT40.
Check this link to get an idea of the available mods and some of their variants:
i know, many time is gone since this post . . .
The maker of the TPTCC done 2 more TA based physics for their own races:
GTS readme:
500hp instead of 625hp (@ 70-clear)
Lower RPM range power-band (5000-6000 estimated)
Faster horse-power drop off once out of power band
6900 RPM red-line
3000lb instead of 2800lb
5-speed instead of 6-speed
20 gallon fuel capacity
Minimum front/rear weight ratio 51% to front (front engine)
Less ballast to adjust left/right
Spoiler minimum of 60 degrees, maximum of 75 degrees (hi-drag)
Front and Rear springs have a lower minimum spring rate
Lower Front and Rear ride-heights
Rear Camber is adjustable in increments of .1 degree up to +/- 3 degrees
Steering Ratio now allows settings of 10:1 or greater
TS readme:
350hp instead of 625hp (@ 70-clear)
2400lb instead of 2800lb
5-speed instead of 6-speed
15 gallon fuel capacity
Less ballast to adjust left/right and forward/backward
Spoiler maximum of 60 degrees
Front and Rear springs have a higher minimum springrate
Rear Camber is adjustable in increments of .1 degree up to +/- 3 degrees
Tire wear is reduced to promote double-stints on tires in endurance racing
Steering Ratio now allows settings of 10:1 or greater
All three physics (TA, GTS and TS) are drivable together, so you can drive races with 3 classes like Le Mans or Daytona

The physics are in the EXE file, so you can use this for all TA based mods like PWF-TA, TPTCC, Ferrari 330 P4, AD67, OWR (except GTP) or with tools or by editing the series.def changed CUP, GNS or Truck physics based series.
BUT! This physics were never really public, because F!RST (later iRacing) . . . . (no further comment)
I think many NR2003 fans downloaded this in the short time it was free available and uses this physics at home with great fun and don't talk about
Can anybody tell me some data of the Ferrari 330 /AD67 physics?