i moved to a new Mini PC, still Windows 10, using GPL 2004 Demo as a new installation, and I got no sound from my display Samsung DISPLAY\SAM0AB3\4&e2694d0&0&UID198195.
Sound is ok on Youtube and other apps.
Any help is wellcome!
Grazie, Francesco
My system:
Nome SO Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Versione 10.0.19042 Build 19042
Produttore sistema Intel® Client Systems
Modello sistema NUC7i5DNHE
Tipo sistema PC basato su x64
SKU sistema
Processore Intel® Core™ i5-7300U CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2712 Mhz, 2 core, 4 processori logici
Versione/data BIOS Intel Corp. DNKBLi5v.86A.0066.2019.0710.1158, 10/07/2019
Versione SMBIOS 3.1
Versione controller integrato 255.255
Modalità BIOS UEFI
Produttore scheda di base Intel Corporation
Prodotto scheda di base NUC7i5DNB
Versione scheda di base J57626-514
Ruolo piattaforma Desktop
Stato avvio protetto Attivato
Configurazione PCR7 Associazione consentita
Directory Windows C:\Windows
Directory System C:\Windows\system32
Periferica di avvio \Device\HarddiskVolume6
Locale Italia
Hardware Abstraction Layer Versione = "10.0.19041.906"
Memoria fisica installata (RAM) 8,00 GB
Memoria fisica totale 7,88 GB
Memoria fisica disponibile 5,03 GB
Memoria virtuale totale 9,13 GB
Memoria virtuale disponibile 6,63 GB
Spazio file di paging 1,25 GB
File di paging C:\pagefile.sys
Protezione DMA kernel Disattivato
Sicurezza basata sulla virtualizzazione Non abilitato
Supporto crittografia dispositivo Soddisfa i prerequisiti
Hyper-V - Estensioni modalità di monitoraggio macchina virtuale Sì
Hyper-V - Estensioni conversione indirizzi di secondo livello
Hyper-V - Virtualizzazione abilitata nel firmware Sì
Hyper-V - Protezione esecuzione dati Sì
Nome Audio Intel® per schermi
Produttore Intel® Corporation
Stato OK
ID periferica PNP HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B&SUBSYS_80860101&REV_1000\4&53F476&0&0201
Driver C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERSTORE\FILEREPOSITORY\INTCDAUD.INF_AMD64_1B570D7B9A790B1A\INTCDAUD.SYS (, 341,75 KB (349.952 Byte), 23/03/2021 01:19)
Nome Intel® HD Graphics 620
ID periferica PNP PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5916&SUBSYS_20708086&REV_02\3&11583659&0&10
Tipo scheda Intel® HD Graphics Family, Intel Corporation compatibile
Descrizione scheda Intel® HD Graphics 620
RAM scheda 1,00 GB (1.073.741.824 Byte)
Driver installati C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_26993080a5dec4cf\igdumdim64.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_26993080a5dec4cf\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_26993080a5dec4cf\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_26993080a5dec4cf\igd12umd64.dll
Versione driver
File INF oem2.inf (sezione iKBLD_w10_DS)
Piani colore Non disponibile
Voci tabella colori 4294967296
Risoluzione 1920 x 1080 x 59 hertz
Bit/Pixel 32
Indirizzo memoria 0xDE000000-0xDEFFFFFF
Indirizzo memoria 0xC0000000-0xCFFFFFFF
Porta I/O 0x0000F000-0x0000F03F
Canale IRQ IRQ 4294967291
Driver C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERSTORE\FILEREPOSITORY\IIGD_DCH.INF_AMD64_26993080A5DEC4CF\IGDKMD64.SYS (, 25,82 MB (27.076.864 Byte), 23/03/2021 01:19)

Gpl Intel Nuc Mini Pc Windows10 No Sound
Started by ffioren , Apr 04 2021 - 09:42 AM
Sound NUC Windows10
7 replies to this topic
Posted Apr 04 2021 - 09:42 AM
Posted Apr 04 2021 - 10:06 AM
Strange problem. It definitely sounds like a problem in GPL if you get sound in other programs, so of course you have to check the GPL Options > Sound window to make sure the volume isn't at zero. Do you use GPLShift? In the GPLShift.ini, you can configure a button that mutes the sound, so make sure that isn't somehow getting pressed.
Volume_Mute_button =
I don't have any other ideas yet.
Volume_Mute_button =
I don't have any other ideas yet.
Edited by Bob Simpson, Apr 04 2021 - 10:07 AM.
Posted Apr 05 2021 - 04:14 PM
thank for your support, no I don't use GPLShift and GPL Options > Sound isn't at zero.
Maybe somethink related to sound data format that Windows driver is not able to render?
thank for your support, no I don't use GPLShift and GPL Options > Sound isn't at zero.
Maybe somethink related to sound data format that Windows driver is not able to render?
Posted Apr 06 2021 - 02:53 AM
No, if many here use W10 and do not have this problem - it must be on your side.
Sometimes it helps to just re-install GPL - but don't install it in a C:/program files(86) folder!
Sometimes it helps to just re-install GPL - but don't install it in a C:/program files(86) folder!
Edited by Cookie, Apr 06 2021 - 02:59 AM.
Posted Apr 06 2021 - 03:53 AM
Is your display connected via HDMI? If so:
Right-click on the speaker symbol in the task bar.
Select 'Playback Devices' (according to your language).
In the tab click on the 'hdmi output' device.
At the bottom (between 'configure' and 'properties') click on 'set default'.
Just a guess though.
Right-click on the speaker symbol in the task bar.
Select 'Playback Devices' (according to your language).
In the tab click on the 'hdmi output' device.
At the bottom (between 'configure' and 'properties') click on 'set default'.
Just a guess though.
Posted Apr 08 2021 - 04:52 PM
Cookie, on Apr 06 2021 - 02:53 AM, said:
No, if many here use W10 and do not have this problem - it must be on your side.
Sometimes it helps to just re-install GPL - but don't install it in a C:/program files(86) folder!
Sometimes it helps to just re-install GPL - but don't install it in a C:/program files(86) folder!
Posted Apr 08 2021 - 05:00 PM
Yngwie, on Apr 06 2021 - 03:53 AM, said:
Is your display connected via HDMI? If so:
Right-click on the speaker symbol in the task bar.
Select 'Playback Devices' (according to your language).
In the tab click on the 'hdmi output' device.
At the bottom (between 'configure' and 'properties') click on 'set default'.
Just a guess though.
Right-click on the speaker symbol in the task bar.
Select 'Playback Devices' (according to your language).
In the tab click on the 'hdmi output' device.
At the bottom (between 'configure' and 'properties') click on 'set default'.
Just a guess though.
The strange think, that I notice only now, is that exiting GPL the icon sound in the task bar has a red cross indicating i believe disabled, and soon after it comes back in enabled status.
So GPL is disabling the device! How to fix it?
Posted Apr 08 2021 - 10:47 PM
What monitor do you use?
I have a Samsung TV connected via HDMI to the PC and among the audio devices it appears as SAMSUNG (Nvidia High Definition Audio) and to me T22C300 turns out to be a 21.5" Samsung TV, in this case it is correct that it is displayed as (product name) High Definition Audio.
Using other applications that need audio do they work regularly?
To try to solve the problem you can make a few attempts:
1. Use the Windows 10 Audio Troubleshooter to see if it finds and fixes the problem.
2. Reinstall the video card drivers, these include the audio drivers.
3. Update the firmware of the HDMI port. (Attention, the firmware update MUST be done by a capable person, in case of sudden shutdown during the update it could cause the PC to be totally unusable)
4. Update the BIOS. (As in point 3, to be done with the utmost caution)
I repeat it for the avoidance of doubt, points 3 and 4 should be performed with the certainty that the PC does not turn off, then connecting it to an uninterruptible power supply, under penalty of possible total blocking of the computer, if the PC turns off during one of these updates. without completing it.
You can find all drivers and updates for your NUC here: Intel® NUC Kit NUC7i5DNHE
I have a Samsung TV connected via HDMI to the PC and among the audio devices it appears as SAMSUNG (Nvidia High Definition Audio) and to me T22C300 turns out to be a 21.5" Samsung TV, in this case it is correct that it is displayed as (product name) High Definition Audio.
Using other applications that need audio do they work regularly?
To try to solve the problem you can make a few attempts:
1. Use the Windows 10 Audio Troubleshooter to see if it finds and fixes the problem.
2. Reinstall the video card drivers, these include the audio drivers.
3. Update the firmware of the HDMI port. (Attention, the firmware update MUST be done by a capable person, in case of sudden shutdown during the update it could cause the PC to be totally unusable)
4. Update the BIOS. (As in point 3, to be done with the utmost caution)
I repeat it for the avoidance of doubt, points 3 and 4 should be performed with the certainty that the PC does not turn off, then connecting it to an uninterruptible power supply, under penalty of possible total blocking of the computer, if the PC turns off during one of these updates. without completing it.
You can find all drivers and updates for your NUC here: Intel® NUC Kit NUC7i5DNHE
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