for F in $(ls /sys/module/hid_logitech/drivers/hid\:logitech/*:*/range); do
sudo chown your_username $F
echo $RANGE > $F
;xset -dpms ; xset s off
;export WINEDEBUG=-all
;export LAST_PWD=$PWD
;cd /home/your_username/.wine/drive_c
;/usr/bin/wine "/home/your_username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files(x86)/;GPLSecrets/GEM+/GEMP2.exe"
;xset +dpms ; xset s on
exit 0
#EOF (end of file this line is not part of the script!)
In order to made functioning the script you have to:
Modify the value of RANGE where I put 450 for this example and your_username to your needs.
Verify and modify all paths according to your installation.
Save the modified file, naming rungem.sh or any else you like.
Copy rungem.sh to /usr/local/bin and from there change attribute to make executable.
Put a symbolic link on desktop to your commodity.
Now you can simply double click the symlink to run GEM+ with your wheel range automagically set.
Done Ginetto,
Edit reason: if I put in a code block this can't be colored, damn!
Second edit: clarified the point on RANGE
Edited by roberto teso, Apr 02 2020 - 05:45 AM.