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Gpl Running On Linux Mint - Tutorial

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#21 roberto teso

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Posted Apr 02 2020 - 05:30 AM



for F in $(ls /sys/module/hid_logitech/drivers/hid\:logitech/*:*/range); do
sudo chown your_username $F
echo $RANGE > $F

;xset -dpms ; xset s off
;export WINEDEBUG=-all
;export LAST_PWD=$PWD
;cd /home/your_username/.wine/drive_c
;/usr/bin/wine "/home/your_username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files(x86)/;GPLSecrets/GEM+/GEMP2.exe"
;xset +dpms ; xset s on

exit 0
#EOF (end of file this line is not part of the script!)

In order to made functioning the script you have to:

Modify the value of RANGE where I put 450 for this example and your_username to your needs.
Verify and modify all paths according to your installation.
Save the modified file, naming rungem.sh or any else you like.
Copy rungem.sh to /usr/local/bin and from there change attribute to make executable.
Put a symbolic link on desktop to your commodity.

Now you can simply double click the symlink to run GEM+ with your wheel range automagically set.

Done Ginetto, to increase clarity I isolated the script in a block of tails from the explanation.

Edit reason: if I put in a code block this can't be colored, damn!
Second edit: clarified the point on RANGE

Edited by roberto teso, Apr 02 2020 - 05:45 AM.

#22 Cookie


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Posted Apr 02 2020 - 05:41 AM

Thanks Roberto :up:

#23 ginetto


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Posted Apr 02 2020 - 10:40 AM

Grazie Roberto! :thumbup:

#24 Markus_Gras


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Posted Apr 04 2020 - 06:18 AM

Thanks for the script!!

I recently bought a used G27 to replace my Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Expirience Racing Wheel, which broke down (the gas pedal is now very loose and you hardly feel any physical resistance).
For a while I was unable to set the rotation range for the G27 as I used a description I found in the steam forum. For what ever reason the rotation range could not be set using this description. However, your script seems to work perfectly fine. Now I can enjoy GPL again. :up:

I am still a bit slower than with my old steering wheel. I guess I am a bit out of shape after having a break for a while and still have to adapt to the new pedals. But they give a much better feeling than the old ones.

#25 Markus_Gras


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Posted Apr 06 2020 - 03:21 AM

Hi folks,
I have another problem with my G27 and Linux Mint.

I am currently using the wheel and the pedals without the H-shifter. For some reasons in GPL only the 2 paddle shifters and 2 out of the 6 buttons are recognized. Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution?
All buttons are recognized and work when using jstest-gtk or the wine control panel. So I guess it is a problem with GPL.

Edited by Markus_Gras, Apr 06 2020 - 03:22 AM.

#26 roberto teso

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Posted Apr 06 2020 - 04:38 AM

I don't know, now I have the G29 and I have not purchased the shifter, but you could try to follow the tips that you find in this post:

Gpl Shifter Options

#27 Cookie


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Posted Apr 06 2020 - 11:45 AM

not at my wheel atm,
but isn't there a setting in the gplshift.ini where you can set multiple buttons?

#28 Markus_Gras


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Posted Apr 09 2020 - 04:47 AM

Thanks for the answers!

Maybe I was not clear enough about the H-shifter. I have no problem with this one as I am not using it/do not want to use it. I only want to use the wheel and the pedals at the moment. But, unfortunately 4 buttons at my wheel are not recognized in game. I would like to use them to be able to take a look at the pit board or raise my arm.

Now I tried to fix it with gplshift. I did not use it before.
However, in lutris I cannot run the GPLshift_Patch.exe as it claims to be placed in the wrong directory so that it is unable to find the gpl.exe. However, I placed everything from the zip file into my GPL main directory, the same directory where the gpl.exe is placed.
When I try to run the GPLshift_Patch.exe using wine only it seems to install the patch. However, when I make changes to the GPLshift.ini it does not make any change in game. So I guess the patch is still not installed. Also I could not find a multiple buttons option in the GPLshift.ini yet.

And I am experiencing another problem with my G27. My force feedback is not working properly. After I click the green button to get in the car the ffb is very strong for around 30 seconds and then it feels like there is no ffb at all.
I tried the ffb-patch 2 and 3, but the result is the same.
GEM options for ffb are:
steering hack - enabled
force feedback - enabled
ffb latency 0
ffb damping 0
ffb max force 420

When I change the ffb max force it does not make a difference.

Has anyone some more suggestions what I can do about these two problems?

Edited by Markus_Gras, Apr 09 2020 - 09:01 AM.

#29 Michkov


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Posted Apr 09 2020 - 02:57 PM

Under the assumption that the keys are registering in Windows using JoytoKey as a workaround. Bind the keys to a button the keyboard and GPL should think you are pressing the keyboard button on the wheel button press.


Regarding the FFB, I'm not quite sure whats going on there. Two things to mention though. First ffb max force rises with lower number. Two steering hack isn't really necessary on a G27. What it does is decrease the max steering lock as speed goes up. It's primarily there as a vestige of the ancient wheels that didn't have the rotation rate of the current ones.
Oh and since I just spotted that it's a G27, they tend to overheat and reduce the power of the ffb motor. 30seconds sounds too short for that though given the max force value you run.

Edited by Michkov, Apr 09 2020 - 03:11 PM.

#30 Cookie


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Posted Apr 09 2020 - 04:37 PM

@ Markus

Run wine control in terminal and you will see 2x device G27, one is event and one js, deactivate one of them (not on my pc atm)
Only one device must be active!

I disabled the (js) ;)

Edited by Cookie, Apr 10 2020 - 09:25 AM.

#31 roberto teso

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Posted Apr 12 2020 - 05:21 AM

View PostMarkus_Gras, on Apr 09 2020 - 04:47 AM, said:

But, unfortunately 4 buttons at my wheel are not recognized in game. I would like to use them to be able to take a look at the pit board or raise my arm...

In fact, I read too hastily and understood that you wanted to use the gearbox.
Be that as it may, GPLShift supports the G25, not the G27, although compatible with each other, the G25 only had two buttons, you have to try, as Michkov explained, to use JoytoKey.
GPLShifter has multiple sections to be able to assign functions to the buttons and also to decide which peripheral to assign them to, you can assign certain game functions, such as SHIFT + R, or macros for communications, such as PO or PI etc., but no pit board or raise the arm.


When I try to run the GPLshift_Patch.exe using wine only it seems to install the patch. However, when I make changes to the GPLshift.ini it does not make any change in game. So I guess the patch is still not installed.

Since I have a dual boot PC, I use the same executables both with Windows and with Linux, and having installed GPLShift years ago under Windows, once Linux was installed I didn't have to do anything about it.

Applying the patch is not so obvious, you have to delete all the exes except GPL.exe (it stands out because it is capitalized), apply the patch to this exe, then launch the GEM to rebuild the other exes, otherwise it will not work.

#32 Lord


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Posted Apr 13 2020 - 04:39 AM

I wonder if GEM, VROC, IGOR and all the rest works on Linux :)

#33 mcmirande


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Posted Apr 13 2020 - 06:14 AM

View PostLord, on Apr 13 2020 - 04:39 AM, said:

I wonder if GEM, VROC, IGOR and all the rest works on Linux :)

Yes! Just like in Windows! ;)


#34 Markus_Gras


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Posted Apr 13 2020 - 06:25 AM

Thanks again for all the answers.

I will try your advises during the next days. At the moment I just play without ffb because when I have free time to play I do not want to waste it on trying to fix the issue. I am already used to play without ffb as my former thrustmaster had no ffb support for linux.

I also have the feeling it might be connected to a overheating problem as you said. It seems to fast to overheat but maybe something is broken or the sensor is not functioning properly anymore. As it is a used G27 this might be the case. However, when I have the opportunity I may test it on a Windows machine to be sure.
And I will test joytokey.

@ Cookie
I already tried to enable only one G27 device at a time. Unfortunately this did not solve my problem.

I will try to install GPLshift again. As far as I remember I did delete all GPLmod.exe files as it was described in the readme file. Maybe I did something wrong.
I am also wondering if it might be a problem with lutris. I guess I will try to install GPL using wine only to find out if I can solve the problem this way.

#35 Markus_Gras


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Posted Apr 27 2020 - 03:41 AM

I found some time to test the solutions you suggested and now I found out how to make ffb work.

It seems that it was a problem with Lutris. When I installed the game using wine only, the ffb works fine right away. I guess there might be a way to make ffb work with Lutris as well. You can change a lot of settings before running the game using the graphical interface. However, I didn't find out what to change to make it work with Lutris.

And joytokey to allows me to assign the pitboard or raising the arm to a key on my wheel. Thanks for this solution!

For the moment I am only a bit stuck with GPLShift. When I run the GPLshift_Patch.exe it says that it modified my original gpl.exe (my gpl.exe is not in capital letters, I guess it might be because I used the 2004 demo to install GPL, and I further guess capitalization should not make a difference here). I also deleted all gpl_mod.exe files. I changed the GPLshift.ini as follows:

[ Clutch Device ]
Clutch_Threshold = 7

However, when I run GPL through GEM+ I still do not need to use the clutch pedal. I am only using the wheel and the pedals of the G27 without the H-shifter. Does GPLshift only work when I use the H-shifter as well? Or do I need to do something else to make GPL force me to use the clutch pedal for shifting (when using the paddle shifters)?

Edited by Markus_Gras, Apr 27 2020 - 03:44 AM.

#36 Cookie


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Posted Apr 27 2020 - 07:15 AM

Makus I don't use my shifter to shift  yet
but I use some elements of GPLShift -> fonts

and I know that in linux the capitalization makes a big difference.

I test the new gimmicks of our mod team in linux and found that a "Mod" folder in gpl is not recognized when a new file is written to "mod"

Edited by Cookie, Apr 27 2020 - 07:18 AM.

#37 JMF


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Posted Apr 27 2020 - 11:09 AM

I've started trying to use Linux again and eliminate the chat stutters with my gtx 1050ti. I had forgot a problem I was having my second time trying to get the 1050ti working well. Within a few turns of leaving the pits, I'd lose force feedback. Switching to wine-stable instead of wine-staging eliminated that problem I was having with Linux Mint 18.

The chat stutters don't seem as bad as they were. I hope the newer gpu drivers have improved GPL's performance. I'm going to slowly work on getting the 1050ti running GPL well. I hope the 3rd time is a charm.

#38 Markus_Gras


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Posted Apr 29 2020 - 02:39 AM

You are right. Switching to wine-stable also eliminates the problem in Lutris. Now I can run GPL via Lutris with FFB as well. Thanks for this hint!

I renamed the gpl.exe to GPL.exe and reinstalled GPLshift. Unfortunately this did not solve the problem. The changes I made to the gplshift.ini were not recognized in game. I tried to set a clutch threshold and to assign shift-r to one of my buttons of my steering wheel. Both did not work.
I wonder if this could also be related to the wine version I use. I am now using wine-stable 4.0. Which version do you use to play GPL?

#39 Cookie


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Posted Apr 29 2020 - 12:33 PM

when it has worked with the gpl.exe, it makes no sense to switch to GPL.exe. Maybe you can try to have both, so one will do it ;)

Using such old wine version lets you miss lots of updates, atm stable is 5.0 devel is 5.7

With mint I use 5.0 stable and manjaro takes 5.7 both work fine here with NVidia GPU - AMD GPU with 5.7 is still a mess with GPL (no mirrors! atm)


in the wine/linux forums I found good help if needed

Edited by Cookie, Apr 29 2020 - 12:35 PM.

#40 Cookie


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Posted Jun 16 2020 - 04:19 AM

Good news for Linux mint user, the mint 2.0 beta works great!

Last night I downloaded it and looked at my clock 0:59 - how long will it take until I can do a lap at Monza?

OS install + OS customizing + full OS updates
+ NVidia proprietary driver install
+ firefox customize
+ wine 5.01 stable download + install + customizing
+ copy GPL folder from USB HDD to c:
+ GEM+ install
+ GEM+ iGOR config

35 minutes!

look at the pic times...

View PostCookie, on Jun 16 2020 - 03:42 AM, said:

I just tested Simple Screen Recorder in Linux mint 2.0 beta with my little office PC ( i3 4150 + GT1030)

1 lap at Monza 12 AI - 60fps - KB-steering: https://www.sendspace.com/file/eky6mf

Attached Files

Edited by Cookie, Jun 16 2020 - 05:46 AM.

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