twinpotter, on Feb 09 2019 - 02:18 PM, said:
I went to GPL links and tried to get on the GPL alternative forum. Unfortunately the link is dead. It is part of the F1 Legends site ������
Regarding gpllinks...
Yesterday began testing link checkers capability to analyze the 600-plus links on the page.
So far, those at the top of Google search have gone into apoplexy and either offer nothing or roll-on forever and never complete the test. Maybe wait a few more hours rather leave the tab open for almost two before shutting it down incomplete?
Once had a nifty link checker that posted its result in a text file in a few minutes. Eventually its probably Win98 config just quit working and any upgrade was no longer available.
Now many issues there because of F1Legends.
Also, noticed recently that searching here often find only getting recent results, not from Day 1...sometimes no results before 2017.
So likely now even links from gpllinks to here may not be working as well.
Anyone know of a free and capable link checker that offers useful results rather than site statistics?
Anyone interested in reviewing links to here and if possible restore them to their destination?
GPL++ The Add-ons is up after many years since an active site.
It continues to be a great resource for everyone.
Not easy to understand why the F1Legends site was closed and not supported as a legacy site.
Especially as its absence has caused all this now necessary effort by so many.
Edited by John Woods, Feb 10 2019 - 08:54 AM.