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Melbourne_Albert Park

(with ai update)

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#1 fortine_oo


    Denny Hulme

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Posted Jun 05 2014 - 10:46 AM

Melbourne_Albert Park

This is the "melbourne" track from 2003 or 2004.
It has some modifications to assist in Player and ai performance.
It is not a graphics update. It's the original bare bones track, but don't let the lack of TSO's and/or less than realistic layout keep you from trying out the track. It's a challenge to wring out consistently fast laps, and the racing is quite spirited.

There are 2 tracks.
Melbourne_Albert Park has ai developed for cup and pta.

Melbourne_Albert Park_OWT is for open wheel cars using the pta.exe.
It has a variety of racing surfaces and grip values to provide more grip than the regular version while promoting the aero grip feel of open wheel cars.

Download: Melbourne_Albert Park (ai update) & Melbourne_Albert Park_OWT


Attached Thumbnails

  • Melb_AP.png

Edited by fortine_oo, Jun 05 2014 - 10:47 AM.

#2 jgf


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Posted Jun 06 2014 - 04:01 PM

How well does this work with GTP?

#3 fortine_oo


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Posted Nov 17 2019 - 04:40 PM

Melbourne_Albert Park  (ai update)


**** { nrtracks.com is NA, not sure if it's coming back. New download below. } ****

Original post @ nrtracks.com:

It's not a new track. It isn't pretty. It isn't an exact recreation of the layout, but it fills a hole in an F1 schedule.

NR2003 'melbourne' track history (and comment):
Melbourne, from the earliest "NASCAR 2002-2003 Tracklist" (www.nr2k3tracks.com) I have archived, is shown being created sometime prior to April 29, 2004 (no release date was shown on the Tracklist and no creator listed), with the download link at the RSC Forum. By Oct. 21, 2004, it was no longer available at RSC Forum (probably due to a hack on the forum). It's been available at some other sites over the years, but I can no longer find a download location. [I did not download the track back in the day, but in 2012 in response to the request for help.]
It was described as a beta on the NASCAR 2003 Tracklist, but to call Melbourne an alpha track is being generous. There's a lot of issues, with the track itself and with the ai. While you can drive on it and the ai will get around, it's not a track that supports any semblance of racing.

Responding to a request for help in 2012, I found these problems:
The pit lp's are not continuous, and therefore are useless. Even if they were continuous, they are still improperly placed on pitroad.
The maxrace.lp and minrace.lp need to be swapped. (So do the max/minpanic since they're copies of the max/minrace.)
There is a standing start (even with the short pace) because the starter_decision = 6064.83 5.11 is beyond the S/F line.
The merge_to_pit_line_dlong = 5315.75 is too close to the actual pitroad entry point, the ai may run into the pitwall or miss the pitroad entry altogether.
The pit lp's are not continuous, and therefore are useless. Even if they were continuous, they are still improperly placed on pitroad.
A pit exit penalty is incurred because the [ AppRuleEnterPits ] pit0_entrance_point0_dlat and pit0_entrance_point1_dlat have the same value.
A pit exit penalty is incurred because there isn't apron subsurface for the required distance, lane_merge_dlong = 291.48.
The pit crew is on the wrong side of the pit stall and the ai begin their pit box exit to the right instead of the left.
There's a lot of other issues, including the track configuration (ptf).

I posted the track.ini fixes and the requester was going to make new pit lp's. I didn't take it any further.

-----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----

Recently, someone asked for the Melbourne F1 track, as all the links are dead.
One post noted, the track "... had the layout, but that was it. Nothing else", to which the requester responded, "yea I'm not worried about it, I'd still like to see it".
A link was provided with the caveat, "Not a lot of eye candy".
Having experienced the tracks shortcomings, I knew the track was not ready for racing. I expected someone would have a follow up request for help with that aspect.
I decided I could muster some time and create some "quickie" lp's and maybe a few track.ini modifications. LOL Of course, as it's been proved numerous times in the past, there's no such shortcut.

-----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----

See the readme for full update details.
The original melbourne.ptf and track.ini are included in the Melbourne_Albert Park track.
I'll classify the ai as a beta development, but only because I haven't spent the endless hours it takes to fine tune every aspect to the 'n'th degree.
The ai race competitively and pit appropriately. I've done enough laps to be confident that the ai are good enough and will be worthy opponents.
NOTE: Only the ai for pta and cup have been developed. The gns and cts series are the original track values, I can't vouch for their Player or ai quality. [A further caveat, the original racing surface was all asphalt, the new racing surface is a combination of asphalt, concrete, and paint.]

Don't let the lack of TSO's and/or less than realistic layout keep you from trying out the track.
It's a challenge to wring out consistently fast laps, and the racing is quite spirited.


The NR2003 track is not an exact replica of the F1 layout.
Albert Park_real vs ptf.gif

This is an operational (not a graphical) update.

Download: Attached File  Melbourne_Albert Park.7z   2.61MB   327 downloads

Edited by fortine_oo, Nov 17 2019 - 04:56 PM.

#4 fortine_oo


    Denny Hulme

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Posted Nov 17 2019 - 04:45 PM

Melbourne_Albert Park_OWT


**** { nrtracks.com is NA, not sure if it's coming back. New download below. } ****

Original post @ nrtracks.com:

This is an Open Wheel Track for OW mods that use the pta.exe.
This is the same track as Melbourne_Albert Park, but with a variety of racing surfaces and grip values to provide more grip than the regular version while promoting the aero grip feel of open wheel cars.
This track utilizes a standing start when you select Full Pace Lap.

The ai I use to develop the track.ini values have pretty high ratings. Ranked ratings for 42 ai
I tried the track with the DW12 mod (Indycar), and the default carset has ai ratings with low Driver/RC ratings (many have single digit minimums & <50 maximums) combined with Vehicle/Chassis minimums @ 35-45. Consequently, these "out-of-the-box" DW12 ai are slower (than the targeted results), tend to be a little erratic, and have quite few incidents (collisions and off track excursions).


This is an operational (not a graphical) update.

Attached File  Melbourne_Albert Park_OWT.7z   2.57MB   239 downloads

Edited by fortine_oo, Nov 17 2019 - 04:57 PM.

#5 goose814


    Ludovico Scarfiotti

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Posted Apr 06 2021 - 05:07 PM

After recently coming across this thread and downloading the tracks, I decided to made a quick and dirty scenery for them. These are the complete tracks with scenery. Just place them in your tracks folder. If you already have the originals, you will have to back them up or move them someplace safe. These folders WILL overwrite them.

After some help from fortine_oo, I am uploading just the graphic updates instead of the entire tracks. This is to make the file smaller for easier download. In addition, I re-edited the track.ini to better adjust the pit road stalls. If you already downloaded the previous file, I suggest you download this one again so you have the updated INI. As before, these files will overwrite some of the files in the original tracks, so make sure to make back-ups. Thanks.


Attached Files

Edited by goose814, Apr 18 2021 - 11:25 PM.

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