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37¾ Mile Isle Of Man Mounta...
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37¾ Mile Isle Of Man Mountain Course For Gpl Released
Jun 05 2019 - 09:35 AM | Jim Pearson in Grand Prix Legends
A long time in development; too long in fact for me as well as yourselves, but here it is,
Perseverance pays eventually. My best attempt at making this iconic road racing circuit.
All the details of the construction, a complete driving guide and a lot of other information is contained in the Readme and Driving Guide PDF.
Details of how your driving experience can be varied using different environment settings and Audio Pace notes as two examples, are contained in the separate Options Manager Readme PDF.
Updated / enhanced final version of both these PDF's are in the track folder [ AAIOM ] but for your convenience, are reproduced below.
Also listed below are three release videos, designed to demonstrate what its like to drive the track at speed, to show a number of different car sets and the various options available. Composite five car set single lap TV1 Camera My driven lap in a BT24 19:06 Demonstration of Options Manager functionality.
While this has been a one person build, in the Readme I have acknowledged different types of support that made creation of this track possible. That said I wish to acknowledge again here, the following people.
- Ken Murray, Manx GP and TT rider who gave valuable feedback on early Alpha builds.
- Nigel Pattinson, who added long tracks functionality to GPL.
- Lee Bowden, who provided the coding and added two of his own programs to enable my Options Manager system to work seemlessly.
- Stefan Roess, who has agreed to host the files.
There are three downloadable Zip files,
A ] The Main AAIOM Track Installer Zip, with all the large textures included.
B ] An Options Manager Zip
These first two Zips need to be installed by everyone. Both required for the track to run properly.
Simple instructions for using these files are contained in the installer readme and an RTF Readme in the Zips.
[ also reproduced below.]
C ] An Alternate [ Smaller ] Texture swap files Zip; ie a set of half sized copies of the largest standard ones, with included instructions for use. Download and try the smaller zip if you have loading or frame rate issues with the standard track files.
I hope you enjoy this long, varied and exciting driving environment, the historic Isle of Man Mountain Course, in constant use for racing since 1905!.
My best wishes, from way down under.
5th June 2019
Ballaugh Bridge
View attachment: OPTIONS MANAGER 37¾ mile Isle of Man Mountain Course for GPL by Ji….pdf
Feb 03 2021 - 04:00 AM
its release in 1998, racing only offline. I always was interested in motor-sports, as a 12 years old boy starting to cut out newspaper articles about Jim Clark´s tragic death in Hockenheim 1968. Although in real life not convinced, that riding the IoM TT is worth to loose his life for it, I really like it the more on PC. My best hotlap until now: 20:59 with the Eagle. A challenging and thrilling experience as the Nürburgring-Nordschleife and Spa 67 but obviously longer. My greatest wish: Conversion of this 60,7 km track for GTL or GTR2, as these cars are not so hard to drive.
Thank you so much guys, my best wishes from Augsburg, Germany.