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Trouble When Leaving Gem+2 With Windows10

Today, 02:27 PM

Posted by Prost was the best in GPL-"Help! I'm having trouble with..."
Hello all,

Since I have installed Windows10 on my new computer, I get this error message when I leave GEM+ 2 :

Path/File access error in UpdateExe

It seems GEM+ tried to delete gplc67 (or gplc66, gplc55 ...) to create a new version but it can't do it due to lack of access rights.

When I reboot my computer, everything is OK.

I tried to start GEM+2 as administrator but nothing change.

I searched on GPL forums but found nothing related.

Any idea ?



3 Views · 1 Replies ( Last reply by gliebzeit )

Gpl Pace Notes

Today, 09:19 AM

Introduction:  As you know, I wrote the TrackSounds program that plays sounds as you drive along a track.  Someone suggested that the same technique could be used to play pace notes instead so I've written a new program that does that.  Pace Notes is much simpler than TrackSounds, but still relies upon a track specific .ini file to tell it which pace note sound to play and where to play it.  I've included .ini files for the Isle of Man, Nurburgring, and Targa tracks.

It took me several thousand hours of driving around these tracks and grading each corner to make these pace notes...NOT!  :)  I wrote another program (not included) which automatically analyses each track to come up with its pace notes.

What Is It?:  Pace Notes is an external program that plays pace notes sounds as the player drives along the track.  It simulates having a copilot during a rally stage.  Pace Notes announces the length of straights and the corner direction, radius, and length.  It works during training, qualification, and race modes for all major mods, and all country .exes.

How Does It Work?:  Pace Notes hooks into the running GPL .exe and reads vital information such as where the player car is on the track.  It then plays sound files from the Pace Notes Sounds directory based on the settings in the Pace Notes .trk.ini files.  The GPL .exe does not have to be patched and doesn't even know that Pace Notes is active in the background.

Do You Have To Install Pace Notes?: No.  Just run Pace Notes from its own directory which can be anywhere on your hard drive.  The program includes two files and a directory:
1.  GPL Pace Notes.exe--program file.
2.  Track name trk.ini--contains the sound settings for a track.
3.  Pace Notes Sounds directory--contains all sounds used by the Pace Notes program.  This directory must be in the same directory as the GPL Pace Notes .exe.  Don't copy it to GPL's sound directory!

How Do You Use It?:
1.  Start the GPL Pace Notes program, select the desired track from the track list, then select the Start button.  Pace Notes will announce its activation and wait for GPL to start.
2.  Start any GPL .exe either directly or with GEM+ and then select the same track.  Pace Notes automatically recognizes all major mods.
3.  When you exit GPL, select the Stop button.  Pace Notes will announce its deactivation and close.

Other Notes:
1.  If the Pace Notes sounds or GPL engine sounds are too loud in relation to each other, adjust their relative volumes with GPL's Volume slider.
2.  On the rare chance that a sound continues to play after GPL and Pace Notes are shut down, restart Pace Notes and select the Stop button.
3.  Pace Notes sounds do not play for an AI car or during a replay.

The ReadMe tells how the straights and corners were graded.



80 Views · 9 Replies ( Last reply by gliebzeit )

Driving Silverstone With A Hometrainer

Today, 11:44 AM

Always wanted to drive the circuit with a bike now i can :)

Got me an Arduino, wrote a program to translate pulses to rotation angle and hooked it up to a pot.
The pot was fitted to a xbox controller so i was able to configure the pot for the gas pedal.

So now i can use my hometrainer to pedal indoors when the weather outside is to bad for my mountain bike.


14 Views · 2 Replies ( Last reply by gliebzeit )

Igor.exe Home Of A Trojan?

12 Oct 2017

Hi Racers
New installation of GPL from scratch using the GPLworld installer. KAV moved iGOR.exe to quarantine because of Trojan.Win32.Snojan.bsbm. I doubt KAV is right. Any ideas?


154 Views · 5 Replies ( Last reply by max640 )

Targa Hi-Res Plus Sound

10 Oct 2017

Hi guys,

Apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong place. Just re-installing GPL on my newly-upgraded desktop - and I wondered what's happened to the Hi-res 3do with sound that was on the Targa website for download. The link is there, but seems to be dead, I was only able to download the non-sound option. Does anyone have this 3do, or could someone please point me to where I can find it?


213 Views · 2 Replies ( Last reply by delgs )

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